Counseling Services for Adolescents, Individual Adults, Married Couples, and Families

The Theory Behind the Process

Our private counseling style is rooted in Cognitive Behavioral theories, based upon Christian values and principles as ethically appropriate in the psychotherapy setting. The practice is spiritually-based and clinically sound. In other words, we are Christian counselors but you will feel at home in our sessions regardless of the role spirituality plays in your life. Additionally, effective clinical therapy happens when there is a healthy and trusting client/therapist relationship. Thus, a primary goal is to ensure our clients feel heard and understood. Regardless if we are working with a pre-marriage couple, married couple, adult individual, or adolescent we believe private therapy can be highly effective. 

If you have been to other therapists, you may discover that we are a bit bolder than some other professional counselors. Frankly, we believe you should leave a session and feel like you have gained something – like you’ve learned something about yourself, others, or the world around you. You won’t always feel better when you leave – but we want you to always feel as though you will be a better individual/couple/family because of every counseling session you spend with us. Remember the goal is to reach your destination, and that rarely happens in a single session (although it can…it just doesn’t happen often).  

Clients Served

Adolescents (13 years of age and older) | Adult individuals  |  Adult couples  |  Families  |  Work Groups (Organizational Consulting)

Services Offered

Marriage Counseling  |  Parenting  |  Family Distress  |  Depression  |  Anxiety  |  Stress-related Issues  |  Abuse
 Grief & Loss  |  Financial issues  |  Relational problems  |  Codependency issues  |  Shame
Premarital Counseling  |  Addiction Issues | Organizational structure, interaction, and flow

Online (Distance) Counseling

Online counseling - or distance counseling - is a valuable way to utilize technology in the professional counseling process.
Whether you are traveling for work, away at college, or your residence is too far from our office in Round Rock, Texas to come in person –
we can hold counseling sessions via a secure telehealth platform periodically or on an ongoing basis. Phone counseling sessions
are also available on an as-needed basis and can be effective as well. 


The current fee for individual and couples therapy is $140 per 50-minute session for Michael Bonner, and $100 per 50-minute session for Van Putman and Ashley Hardy.

If the session cost is a problem, please give us a call and let's visit about options. Please do not let the cost of therapy prevent you and/or your family from getting the healthcare you may need! We try our best to make private counseling affordable for you at Riverstone Counseling.

Finally, payment is due the day of service (billed to the card on file the morning of a scheduled appointment). Payment is made with debit/credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, HSA, etc.). Cash and check are also accepted if necessary - please speak with your therapist about these forms of payment. 




Whether you choose to visit our private counseling practice or another, please consider carefully the fact that insurance companies require mental health professionals to assign a psychiatric diagnosis code that becomes part of your permanent health record. There are risks involved, including denial of future employment, military entrance, life insurance, etc. Additionally, if your insurance is provided by an employer, they may be informed of your participation in therapy treatment - which is a technical breach of confidentiality. Many opt not to utilize insurance for these reasons and others, so please consider your decision carefully. 

Having said that, our private counseling is covered by insurance assuming your plan pays for out-of-network service. We can provide you with the appropriate documentation to turn in to your insurance provider for reimbursement as an out-of-network provider should you choose to do so. Most plans provide this coverage after you have met a stated deductible. Please consult your plan to determine benefits, and then visit with your therapist. Many times we may be able to provide a quality number of counseling sessions for a rate similar to your deductible amount.    


Counseling with teenagers requires a different skill-set than counseling with adults. Teens have a unique perspective - and a very different set of needs - as they move from childhood through adolescence into their adults lives.

Current culture presents our teens with choices and challenges their parents never faced. Today’s adolescents are dealing with sexual identity concerns, relationship issues, pornography addiction, unhealthy sexual behavior, technology addiction, disintegrating family support, anger problems, and a myriad of other challenges with which therapy can help.

If you are looking for a professional counselor to come alongside your teenager - and your family - to work through concerns, we can help you at Riverstone Counseling Center. We have experience and training in dealing with young people and the issues they face.

Give us a call here at (512)501-5449, or email us at and let’s talk about getting your teenager headed in a new direction!



If you are an adult looking for some clinically sound and confidential individual therapy, please come visit with us at Riverstone Counseling. There are times in life where we simply need a little assistance processing and moving past events in our lives in a healthy way. We utilize proven cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to help our clients align their thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to move forward to a better, more rewarding place in their journey.

Adult Individual Counseling Issues Addressed:

Depression, Anxiety, Trauma Recovery, Addiction Issues, Bipolar, Borderline, Relationship Problems, Anger Management, Grief Recovery, Career Planning, Life Stage Transitions, and a Variety of Other Concerns



Maybe you struggle with depression or anxiety. Perhaps you have addiction issues such as pornography, alcohol, spending, or sex. You may be trying to process the loss of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, or some other form of grief. You might have anger management issues, commitment problems, or struggle with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Perhaps your issues involve mental health concerns such as bipolar, borderline, narcissism, or some other struggle. 

Give us a call at Riverstone Counseling, and let's begin the journey to a happier and healthier 'you' today. The waves may seem big now, but you'll be surprised how small they become once you get some solid private counseling. 



Marriage is challenging in the very best of circumstances. For many couples, they reach a season where they need assistance navigating the difficulties they face. The question is often asked, "Is marriage counseling effective?" It can be extremely helpful when an effective marriage counselor has the opportunity to assist a couple willing to put in the hard work and dedication to repair their relationship. 

Marriage Counseling Issues Addressed:

Premarital Counseling, Communication Problems, Affair Recovery, Conflict Resolution, Sexual Intimacy Concerns, Parenting Differences, Financial Disagreements, Impact of Pornography and Other Addictions, and a Variety of Other Relationship Counseling Issues





At Riverstone Counseling, we look at marriage counseling as an opportunity to help two individuals become healthy in order to create one healthy couple. We believe marriage counseling often fails because couples (and at times, therapists) don't understand that each individual's personal issues have to be addressed - in addition to just the presenting concerns within the marriage relationship. Thus, marriage counseling sessions at Riverstone Counseling will often be a combination of individual and couples sessions as needed. 

Marriage counseling at Riverstone Counseling is based on Biblical principles, and thus would be considered Christian marriage counseling. However, regardless of the role spirituality plays in your personal life or marriage, we believe you will be comfortable here - and find the relationship counseling for which you have been searching. Working on a marriage is difficult - but the sooner you start the shorter the road to recovery. We believe you and your spouse can find your happily ever after!



Counseling for Families in the Greater Austin Area

Families come in a million shapes, sizes, and forms. So do the problems that families face. If your family is in Round Rock, Georgetown, Pflugerville, Cedar Park, Leander, or the surrounding areas and you are searching for a licensed professional counselor, please come see us at Riverstone Counseling. 

As private counselors, we provide therapy services for families in crisis, as well as those just needing a little boost to strengthen their family bond or solve a tough issue. When one member of a family is struggling, the ripple effect usually impacts the entire family. A professional counselor can objectively lead your family through difficult communication and interaction, meanwhile providing your entire family with the necessary tools to handle tough situations in the future. 

So, if your family could use some coaching, please give us a call at Riverstone Counseling. We believe you will find our counseling services to be effective, affordable, and quite possibly life-changing. Give us a call at (512)501-5449, or reach out via email at We look forward to working with your family!